H.O.P.E. Scholarship (Higher Opportunities for Pathways to Employment)

To apply for a HOPE Scholarship, you must be a Maine resident, ages 16 to 64. Financial eligibility requirements are posted on their website. You must already be accepted into a “qualified training program” beyond high school (the CDL course is a perfect example). Also, you must not have a “marketable bachelor’s degree”.

Apply online by filling out the application at: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/sites/maine.gov.dhhs/files/inline-files/HOPE-Application_0.pdf

C.S.S.P. (Competitive Skills Scholarship Program)

To apply for the CSSP, you must be: 18 years old, high school graduate (or equivalent), live in Maine, seeking a degree (or credential) in a higher wage/in demand position, have a household income less than 200% of the federal poverty level, and have the ability to complete the training or education program. The applicant cannot have a “marketable post-secondary degree”.

Apply online at: https://me.accessgov.com/labor/Forms/Page/dol-cssp/mecompetitiveskills/1

Adult Learner Scholarship (Maine Community Foundation)

This $1,500 scholarship is for a Maine non-traditional student that wants to change their life for the better through education and training. The scholarship supports attending two and four year colleges/universities, completing a certificate and other non-degree programs, or attempting a self-directed learning experience with a clear goal. 

Who is eligible? To be defined as a non-traditional student, you must meet ONLY ONE of the following criteria:

-be over the age of 25 or

-work full time (35 hours a week or more) while enrolled or

-have dependents other than a spouse

-be financially independent from parents (or considered to independent for FAFSA purposes) or have not received a standard high school diploma (completed with a GED, HiSET, or certificate of completion) or delayed enrollment in college for a reason other than a “gap” year activity.

Apply online at: https://www.mainecf.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Adult-Learner-short-term-2024.docx

Vocational Rehabilitation

If you have a diagnosed, physical or mental, impairment that inhibits your ability to obtain employment, vocational rehabilitation may be able to assist you in obtaining a CDL Class B licensure. 

For more information, please click on the following link: https://www.maine.gov/rehab/dvr/vr.shtml

MMTA Loan Assistance Program

The Maine Motor Transport Association, in partnership with the Maine Savings Federal Credit Union, is pleased to offer potential CDL candidates a ZERO percent interest loan that may be used to cover CDL tuition costs. 

For more information on this program, please click on this link: http://loads/2023/01/MMTA-Loan-Flier1-24-23.pdf.

If you are interested in applying for the loan, please click on the following link: https://www.mainesavings.com/mmta-education-loan-program/

Eastern Maine Development Corporation (EMDC)

The referral process for students interested in WIOA funding through EMDC is as follows: 

EMDC Referral Process:

  • What you can expect from the EMDC referral team:
  • A Workforce Development Specialist will contact the potential student, by their preferred method.
  • The referral team will give the student the name of a workforce development specialist and tell them to watch for an email, text or call from that person.
  • The student will be sent a one-page “Steps to Complete” and the list of WIOA verification documents they will need to collect.
  • A Workforce Development Specialist will contact the student within 5 working days and schedule an appointment.

Maine Blue Collar Scholarship Fund

The Maine Blue Collar Scholarship Fund is awarded to high school students who are “pursuing training in the trades or manufacturing”. Scholarships range from $500 to $2,500 and can be used for training costs, books, uniforms, tools, or housing. Any student who is a Maine resident is encouraged to apply! The deadline is April 15th.

There is an online application that includes an essay. 

The application can be found at: https://mainebluecollar.com/scholarship-application/.

SNAP Employment and Training Program

Eligibility for SNAP is based on income, assets, expenses, and household size. You will need to fill out an application, complete an interview, and provide verification of your household’s income, identity, citizenship status, assets, and other items depending on your household circumstances. Call SNAP E&T at 207-400-5853 to find out more about their employment and training opportunities.

P.E.O. Sisterhood Grant

This grant is offered to women who are pursuing a certification program to help them advance their employment opportunities. Candidates must receive a recommendation from their local P.E.O. chapter (similar to other civic clubs, like Kiwanis). The amount is up to $3,000.


“A woman is eligible for recommendation by a local chapter if she:

  • Is a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States or Canada;
  • Is enrolled in a certification or degree program from an accredited institution; has not already earned a master’s degree or above
  • Is living and studying in the U.S. or Canada for the entire course of study;
  • Has had at least 24 consecutive months as a non-student sometime in her adult life;
  • Is within 18 consecutive months of completing her educational program
  • Is enrolled in an education program which, at the conclusion of, will lead to employment or job advance

A woman is not eligible for grant consideration if she:

  • Is requesting the grant for use in prerequisite courses needed to secure admission into another program of study
  • is choosing immediate continuation of her education beyond the current program for which the grant is requested
  • Has already earned a master’s degree or above
  • Is enrolled in a post-master’s certificate or doctoral program.” (taken from: https://www.peointernational.org/pce-eligibility-requirements)
Apply online by filling out the form at: https://www.peointernational.org/program-continuing-education-potential-applicant-form.

Maine O.J.T. Scholarship

The Maine On-The-Job Training Program, through the Maine Department of Transportation, offers scholarship money to applicants who are pursuing work opportunities in Maine. On-the-Job Training (OJT) helps women, minorities and the disadvantaged gain experience on road and bridge construction
jobs. In most cases, this is a paid job training experience which is a huge benefit! Learn valuable skills while working on projects as a: construction equipment mechanic,  equipment operator,  estimator, grade control technician, ironworker, truck driver, and many more!

To apply, a candidate must meet one of the following criteria:

*No diploma or GEDOn public assistance

  • Custodial single parent
  • Criminal record
  • Homelessness
  • Chronically unemployed.

Please click on this link to fill out the application:
